In the fall Sailfish fishing in Miami begins to heat up as the Sailfish start their migration to the western wall of the gulf stream. At the same time the bait schools are migrating south as the cold fronts to the north, lower the water temperature. The bait schools wind up on the outer reef system from Stewart to key West. The sails will follow the bait and work the edge of the gulf stream, and the reef. What makes Miami such a great Sailfish destination is that the gulf stream, and the reef edge converge together less the two miles from the beach. We have the best of two “fishing worlds” together. The days when the blue water is on the reef and the wind is from the north east, watch out the Sailfish bite will be HOT. |
From the fall to the spring Kite fishing is the best method to catch Sail Fish. The Kite has a few main purposes, the first is to keep the live bait right on the surface. The live bait that we use are mainly baits that like to be near or on the bottom, So they really don’t want to be on the surface, and they let us know. Swimming violently to get deep to no avail, stuck on the surface by the force of the wind and uniquely clever rigging. These panicking baits are sending out signals that exactly match what the predators are searching for.
The Kite also lets us place live baits at pre determined distances from the boat and each other. With ideal conditions of wind and sea we can fish two kites at the same time. Three baits in each, with a total of six baits, on the surface with out tangles, & at one time. In addition if conditions prevail we can add some deep baits and semi deep rigger baits to the spread. At times we may have as many as twelve baits in the water at one time. The best part of kite fishing is that it is very visual. Every fish that we raise will show them selves. We get to see them chase and eat the baits as if we were not there. It is the absolute most exiting way to catch any of the great game wish Miami has to offer. When you book your trip inquire about Sailfish Kite fishing , find out if its the right time of the year to put the “rags in the air” |


Atlantic Sailfish